.. File Installing.rst .. include:: global.rst *********************** Installing the software *********************** Hardware requirements ===================== |SExtractor| runs in (ANSI) text-mode from a shell. A graphical environment is not necessary to operate the software. Memory requirements depend on the size of the images to be processed. Processing a single image should typically require about 100MB of memory. For large images (hundreds of Mpixels or more), or in double-image / weighted mode, |SExtractor|'s memory footprint should be around 500MB, and up to 2GB in the worst cases. Swap-space can be put to contribution, although a strong performance hit is to be expected. Obtaining |SExtractor| ---------------------- For Linux users, the simplest way to have |SExtractor| up and running is to install the standard binary package the comes with your Linux distribution. Run, e.g., ``apt-get sextractor`` (on Debian) or ``dnf sextractor`` (Fedora) as root and |SExtractor|, as well as all its dependencies, will automatically be installed. If you decided to install the package this way you may skip the following and move straight to the :ref:`next section `. However if |SExtractor| is not available in your distribution, or to obtain the most recent version, the |SExtractor| source package can be downloaded from `the official GitHub repository `_ . One may choose `one of the stable releases `_, or for the fearless, `a copy of the current master development branch `_. Software requirements --------------------- |SExtractor| has been developed on `GNU/Linux `_ machines and should compile on any `POSIX `_-compliant system (this includes |OSX|_ and `Cygwin `_ on |Windows|_, at the price of some difficulties with the configuration), provided that the *development* packages of the following libraries have been installed: * |ATLAS|_ V3.6 and above [#atlas_install]_, * |FFTw|_ V3.0 and above [#fftw_install]_, On Fedora/Redhat distributions for instance, the development packages above are available as ``atlas-devel`` and ``fftw-devel``. Note that |ATLAS| and |FFTw| are not necessary if |SExtractor| is linked with |Intel|'s |MKL|_ library. Installation ------------ To install from the |GitHub| source package, you must first uncompress the archive: .. code-block:: console $ unzip sextractor-.zip A new directory called :file:`sextractor-` should now appear at the current location on your disk. Enter the directory and generate the files required by the `autotools `_, which the package relies on: .. code-block:: console $ cd sextractor- $ sh autogen.sh A :program:`configure` script is created. This script has many options, which may be listed with the ``--help`` option: .. code-block:: console $ ./configure --help No options are required for compiling with the default GNU C compiler (:program:`gcc`) if all the required libraries are installed at their default locations: .. code-block:: console $ ./configure Compared to :program:`gcc` and the librairies above, the combination of the |Intel| compiler (:program:`icc`) and the |MKL|_ libraries can give the |SExtractor| executable a strong boost in performance, thanks to better vectorized code. If :program:`icc` and the |MKL| are installed on your system [#geticc]_ , you can take advantage of them using .. code-block:: console $ ./configure --enable-mkl Additionally, if the |SExtractor| binary is to be run on a different machine that does not have :program:`icc` and the |MKL| installed (e.g., a cluster computing node), you must configure a partially statically linked executable using .. code-block:: console $ ./configure --enable-mkl --enable-auto-flags --enable-best-link In all cases, |SExtractor| can now be compiled with .. code-block:: console $ make -j An :file:`src/sex` executable is created. For system-wide installation, run the usual .. code-block:: console $ sudo make install You may now check that the software is properly installed by simply typing in your shell: .. code-block:: console $ sex which will return the version number and other basic information (note that some shells require the :program:`rehash` command to be run before making a freshly installed executable accessible in the execution path). .. [#mac_install] Mac OS X |.dmg|_ packages should be available soon. .. [#atlas_install] Use the ``--with-atlas`` and/or ``--with-atlas-incdir`` options of the |SExtractor| :command:`configure` script to specify the |ATLAS| library and include paths if |ATLAS| files are installed at unusual locations. .. [#fftw_install] Make sure that |FFTW| has been compiled with :command:`configure` options ``--enable-threads --enable-float``. .. [#geticc] The Linux versions of the |Intel| compiler and |MKL| are `available for free to academic researchers, students, educators and open source contributors `_.