# This file part of: VisiOmatic
* @file User Interface for region and Point of Interest (PoI) overlays.
* @requires util/VUtil.js
* @requires control/UI.js
* @copyright (c) 2014-2024 CNRS/IAP/CFHT/SorbonneU/CEA/AIM/UParisSaclay
* @author Emmanuel Bertin <bertin@cfht.hawaii.edu>
import {
} from 'leaflet';
import {VUtil} from '../util';
import {UI} from './UI';
// Callback definitions
* Callback for custom drawing of a GeoJSON point feature.
* @callback RegionUI~drawCallback
* @param {object} feature - GeoJSON feature.
* @param {LatLng} latlng - World coordinates of the point.
export const RegionUI = UI.extend( /** @lends RegionUI */ {
options: {
title: 'Region overlays',
color: '#00FFFF',
timeOut: 30, // seconds
collapsed: true,
position: 'topleft'
* Region object.
* @typedef region
* @property {string} url
URL for accessing the GeoJSON data.
* @property {string} name
Name of the region (as it will appear in the selection menu of the
* @property {string} [description]
Description of the region (as it will appear in a popup marker on the
* @property {number} index
Position in the selection menu.
* @property {RGB} [color]
Default color of the region (as it will appear on the overlay).
* @property {boolean} load
Is the region loaded yet?
* @property {RegionUI~drawCallback} [drawPoint]
Callback function for custom drawing of a GeoJSON point feature.
* Create a VisiOmatic dialog for overlaying region and Point of Interest
* @extends UI
* @memberof module:control/RegionUI.js
* @constructs
* @param {region[]} [regions] - Regions to overlay.
* @param {object} [options] - Options.
* @param {string} [options.title='Region overlays']
Title of the dialog window or panel.
* @param {string} [options.color='#00FFFF']
Default region overlay color.
* @see {@link UI} for additional control options.
* @returns {ProfileUI} Instance of a VisiOmatic profile and spectrum
plotting user interface.
initialize: function (regions, options) {
// Regions is an array of {url, name [, description]} objects
Util.setOptions(this, options);
this._className = 'visiomatic-control';
this._id = 'visiomatic-region';
this._layers = {};
this._handlingClick = false;
this._sideClass = 'region';
this._regions = regions && regions[0] ? regions : [];
* Initialize the region overlay dialog.
* @private
_initDialog: function () {
const className = this._className,
regions = this._regions,
box = this._addDialogBox(),
line = this._addDialogLine('Regions:', box),
elem = this._addDialogElement(line),
colpick = this._addColorPicker(
className + '-color',
title='Click to set region color'
const select = this._regionSelect = this._addSelectMenu(
this._className + '-select',
regions.map(function (o) { return o.name; }),
regions.map(function (o) { return (o.load ? true : false); }),
'Select region'
this._addButton(className + '-button',
'Display region',
function () {
// Ignore 'Choose region' entry
const index = select.selectedIndex - 1;
if (index >= 0) {
const region = this._regions[index];
region.color = colpick.value;
select.selectedIndex = 0;
select.opt[index].disabled = true;
this._getRegion(region, this.options.timeOut);
// Load regions that have the 'load' option set.
for (var index = 0; index < regions.length; index++) {
var region = regions[index];
region.index = index;
if (region.load === true) {
if (!region.color) {
region.color = this.options.color;
this._getRegion(regions[index], this.options.timeOut);
* Reset the region query dialog (do nothing actually).
* @private
_resetDialog: function () {
// Do nothing: no need to reset with layer changes
* Query a region.
* @private
* @param {region} region
* @param {number} [timeout]
Query time out delay, in seconds. Defaults to no time out.
_getRegion: function (region, timeout) {
const _this = this,
map = this._map,
wcs = map.options.crs,
templayer = new LayerGroup(null);
// Add a temporary "dummy" layer to activate a spinner sign
templayer.notReady = true;
this.addLayer(templayer, region.name);
VUtil.requestURL(region.url, 'loading ' + region.name + ' data',
function (context, httpRequest) {
_this._loadRegion(region, templayer, context, httpRequest);
}, this, this.options.timeOut);
* Load region data and display the overlay layer.
* @private
* @param {region} region
* @param {leaflet.Layer} templayer
"Dummy" layer to activate a spinner sign.
* @param {object} self
Calling control object (``this``).
* @param {object} httpRequest
HTTP request.
_loadRegion: function (region, templayer, _this, httpRequest) {
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
if (httpRequest.status === 200) {
const wcs = _this._map.options.crs,
response = httpRequest.responseText,
geoRegion = geoJson(
JSON.parse(response), {
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
if (feature.properties && feature.properties.description) {
} else if (region.description) {
coordsToLatLng: function (coords) {
return new LatLng(coords[1], coords[0], coords[2]);
style: function (feature) {
return {color: region.color, weight: 2};
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return region.drawPoint ?
region.drawPoint(feature, latlng) : marker(latlng);
geoRegion.nameColor = region.color;
_this.addLayer(geoRegion, region.name, region.index);
DomEvent.on(geoRegion, 'trash', function (e) {
if (e.index || e.index === 0) {
_this._regionSelect.opt[e.index].disabled = false;
}, _this);
} else {
if (httpRequest.status !== 0) {
alert('Error ' + httpRequest.status + ' while downloading ' +
region.url + '.');
_this._regionSelect.opt[region.index].disabled = false;
* Instantiate a VisiOmatic dialog for region overlays.
* @function
* @param {region[]} [regions] - Regions to overlay.
* @param {object} [options] - Options.
* @returns {RegionUI} Instance of a VisiOmatic region interface.
export const regionUI = function (regions, options) {
return new RegionUI(regions, options);