# This file part of: VisiOmatic
* @file Add world, pixel and custom units to the standard Control.Scale.
* @copyright (c) 2014-2023 CNRS/IAP/CFHT/SorbonneU
* @author Emmanuel Bertin <bertin@cfht.hawaii.edu>
import {Control, DomUtil, Util} from 'leaflet';
export const Scale = Control.Scale.extend( /** @lends Scale */ {
options: {
title: 'Scale',
position: 'bottomleft',
maxWidth: 128,
metric: false,
imperial: false,
degrees: true,
pixels: false,
custom: false,
customScale: 1.0,
customUnits: '',
planetRadius: 6378137.0,
updateWhenIdle: false
* Create a new scale bar.
* @extends leaflet.Control.Scale
* @memberof module:control/Scale.js
* @constructs
* @override
* @param {object} [options] - Options.
* @param {string} [options.title='Scale']
Title of the control.
* @param {'bottomleft'|'bottomright'|'topleft'|'topright'} [options.position='topright']
Position of the scale bar.
* @param {number} [options.maxWidth=128]
Maximum length of the scale bar.
* @param {boolean} [options.metric=false]
Show metric scale?
* @param {string} [options.metricTitle]
Title of the control in metric mode. Defaults to global title.
* @param {boolean} [options.imperial=false]
Show imperial scale?
* @param {string} [options.imperialTitle]
Title of the control in imperial mode. Defaults to global title.
* @param {boolean} [options.degrees=true]
Show scale in degrees/arcminutes/arcseconds?
* @param {string} [options.degreesTitle]
Title of the control in degrees mode. Defaults to global title.
* @param {boolean} [options.pixels=false]
Show scale in pixels?
* @param {string} [options.pixelsTitle]
Title of the control in pixels mode. Defaults to global title.
* @param {boolean} [options.custom=false]
Show custom scale?
* @param {string} [options.customTitle]
Title of the control in custom mode. Defaults to global title.
* @param {number} [options.customScale=1.0]
Scaling factor for the custom scale.
* @param {string} [options.customUnits='']
Units of the custom scale.
* @param {boolean} [options.updateWhenIdle=false]
Update only when the map stops moving?
* @param {number} [options.planetRadius]
Planet radius (in meters) for the metric and imperial modes.
* @returns {Scale} Instance of a scale bar.
initialize: function (options) {
Util.setOptions(this, options);
* Add the scale bar(s).
* @private
* @override
* @param {object} options
Scale bar options (see {link @Scale} for details).
* @param {string} className
Element class name for the scale bar.
* @param {object} container
Scale bar container
_addScales: function (options, className, container) {
if (options.metric) {
this._mScale = DomUtil.create('div', className, container);
this._mScale.title = options.metricTitle ?
options.metricTitle : options.title;
if (options.imperial) {
this._iScale = DomUtil.create('div', className, container);
this._iScale.title = options.imperialTitle ?
options.imperialTitle : options.title;
if (options.degrees) {
this._dScale = DomUtil.create('div', className, container);
this._dScale.title = options.degreesTitle ?
options.degreesTitle : options.title;
if (options.pixels) {
this._pScale = DomUtil.create('div', className, container);
this._pScale.title = options.pixelsTitle ?
options.pixelsTitle : options.title;
if (options.custom) {
this._cScale = DomUtil.create('div', className, container);
this._cScale.title = options.customTitle ?
options.customTitle : options.title;
this.angular = options.metric || options.imperial || options.degrees;
* Update the scale bar(s).
* @private
* @override
_update: function () {
const options = this.options,
map = this._map,
crs = map.options.crs;
if (options.pixels && crs.options && crs.options.nzoom) {
const pixelScale = Math.pow(
crs.options.nzoom - 1 - map.getZoom()
this._updatePixels(pixelScale * options.maxWidth);
if (options.custom && crs.options && crs.options.nzoom) {
const customScale = Math.pow(
crs.options.nzoom - 1 - map.getZoom()
) * options.customScale;
customScale * options.maxWidth,
if (this.angular) {
const center = map.getCenter(),
cosLat = Math.cos(center.lat * Math.PI / 180),
dist = Math.sqrt(this._jacobian(center)) * cosLat,
maxDegrees = dist * options.maxWidth;
if (options.metric) {
maxDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0 * options.planetRadius
if (options.imperial) {
maxDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0 * options.planetRadius
if (options.degrees) {
* Return the Jacobian determinant of the deprojection at the given world
* @private
* @param {leaflet.LatLng}
* @returns {number} Jacobian determinant of the deprojection.
_jacobian: function (latlng) {
const map = this._map,
p0 = map.project(latlng),
latlngdx = map.unproject(p0.add([10.0, 0.0])),
latlngdy = map.unproject(p0.add([0.0, 10.0]));
return 0.01 * Math.abs((latlngdx.lng - latlng.lng) *
(latlngdy.lat - latlng.lat) -
(latlngdy.lng - latlng.lng) *
(latlngdx.lat - latlng.lat));
* Update the custom scale.
* @private
* @param {number} maxCust
Maximum scale value in custom units.
* @param {string} units
Custom units.
_updateCustom: function (maxCust, units) {
const scale = this._cScale;
if (maxCust > 1.0e9) {
var maxGCust = maxCust * 1.0e-9,
gCust = this._getRoundNum(maxGCust);
this._updateScale(scale, gCust + ' G' + units, gCust / maxGCust);
} else if (maxCust > 1.0e6) {
var maxMCust = maxCust * 1.0e-6,
mCust = this._getRoundNum(maxMCust);
this._updateScale(scale, mCust + ' M' + units, mCust / maxMCust);
} else if (maxCust > 1.0e3) {
var maxKCust = maxCust * 1.0e-3,
kCust = this._getRoundNum(maxKCust);
this._updateScale(scale, kCust + ' k' + units, kCust / maxKCust);
} else {
var cust = this._getRoundNum(maxCust);
this._updateScale(scale, cust + ' ' + units, cust / maxCust);
* Update the pixel scale.
* @private
* @param {number} maxPix
Maximum scale value in pixel units.
_updatePixels: function (maxPix) {
const scale = this._pScale;
if (maxPix > 1.0e6) {
var maxMPix = maxPix * 1.0e-6,
mPix = this._getRoundNum(maxMPix);
this._updateScale(scale, mPix + ' Mpx', mPix / maxMPix);
} else if (maxPix > 1.0e3) {
var maxKPix = maxPix * 1.0e-3,
kPix = this._getRoundNum(maxKPix);
this._updateScale(scale, kPix + ' kpx', kPix / maxKPix);
} else {
var pix = this._getRoundNum(maxPix);
this._updateScale(scale, pix + ' px', pix / maxPix);
* Update the degree scale.
* @private
* @param {number} maxdegrees
Maximum scale value in pixel units.
_updateDegrees: function (maxDegrees) {
const maxSeconds = maxDegrees * 3600.0,
scale = this._dScale;
if (maxSeconds < 1.0) {
var maxMas = maxSeconds * 1000.0,
mas = this._getRoundNum(maxMas);
this._updateScale(scale, mas + ' mas', mas / maxMas);
} else if (maxSeconds < 60.0) {
var seconds = this._getRoundNum(maxSeconds);
this._updateScale(scale, seconds + ' "', seconds / maxSeconds);
} else if (maxSeconds < 3600.0) {
var maxMinutes = maxDegrees * 60.0,
minutes = this._getRoundNum(maxMinutes);
this._updateScale(scale, minutes + ' '', minutes / maxMinutes);
} else {
var degrees = this._getRoundNum(maxDegrees);
this._updateScale(scale, degrees + ' °', degrees / maxDegrees);
* Instantiate a scale bar.
* @function
* @param {object} [options] - Options: see {@link Scale}
* @returns {Scale} Instance of a scale bar.
* @example
* const doubleScale = scale({degrees: true, pixels: true}).addTo(map);
export const scale = function (options) {
return new Scale(options);