# This file part of: VisiOmatic
* @file Celestial system conversions for sky coordinates.
* @copyright (c) 2014-2024 CFHT/CNRS/CEA/AIM/UParisSaclay
* @author Emmanuel Bertin <bertin@cfht.hawaii.edu>
import {Class, latLng} from 'leaflet';
export const CelSys = Class.extend( /** @lends CelSys */ {
options: {
code: 'equatorial'
* Instantiate a celestial system.
* @extends leaflet.Class
* @memberof module:catalog/Catalog.js
* @constructs
* @param {'galactic'|'ecliptic'|'supergalactic'} [code='equatorial']
Celestial system.
* @returns {CelSys} Instance of a celestial system.
initialize: function (code) {
this._celsysmat = this._celsysmatInit(code)
* Convert celestial (angular) coordinates to equatorial.
* @param {leaflet.LagLng} latlng
Celestial coordinates (e.g., ecliptic latitude and longitude).
* @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
Equatorial coordinates.
ToEq: function (latlng) {
const cmat = this._celsysmat,
deg = Math.PI / 180.0,
invdeg = 180.0 / Math.PI,
a2 = latlng.lng * deg - cmat[1],
d2 = latlng.lat * deg,
sd2 = Math.sin(d2),
cd2cp = Math.cos(d2) * cmat[2],
sd = sd2 * cmat[3] - cd2cp * Math.cos(a2);
return L.latLng(Math.asin(sd) * invdeg,
((Math.atan2(cd2cp * Math.sin(a2), sd2 - sd * cmat[3]) +
cmat[0]) * invdeg + 360.0) % 360.0);
* Convert equatorial coordinates to another celestial system.
* @param {leaflet.LagLng} latlng
Equatorial coordinates.
* @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
Celestial coordinates (e.g., ecliptic latitude and longitude).
fromEq: function (latlng) {
const cmat = this._celsysmat,
deg = Math.PI / 180.0,
invdeg = 180.0 / Math.PI,
a = latlng.lng * deg - cmat[0],
sd = Math.sin(latlng.lat * deg),
cdcp = Math.cos(latlng.lat * deg) * cmat[2],
sd2 = sd * cmat[3] + cdcp * Math.cos(a);
return L.latLng(Math.asin(sd2) * invdeg,
((Math.atan2(cdcp * Math.sin(a), sd2 * cmat[3] - sd) +
cmat[1]) * invdeg + 360.0) % 360.0);
* Return the transformation matrix between celestial coordinates for the
* given system and equatorial coordinates.
* @private
* @param {'galactic'|'ecliptic'|'supergalactic'} celsys
Type of celestial system.
* @returns {number[][]}
Transformation matrix.
_celsysmatInit: function (celsys) {
const deg = Math.PI / 180.0,
cmat = [];
var corig, cpole;
switch (celsys) {
case 'galactic':
corig = latLng(-28.93617242, 266.40499625);
cpole = latLng(27.12825120, 192.85948123);
case 'ecliptic':
corig = latLng(0.0, 0.0);
cpole = latLng(66.99111111, 273.85261111);
case 'supergalactic':
corig = latLng(59.52315, 42.29235);
cpole = latLng(15.70480, 283.7514);
corig = latLng(0.0, 0.0);
cpole = latLng(0.0, 0.0);
cmat[0] = cpole.lng * deg;
cmat[1] = Math.asin(Math.cos(corig.lat * deg) *
Math.sin((cpole.lng - corig.lng) * deg));
cmat[2] = Math.cos(cpole.lat * deg);
cmat[3] = Math.sin(cpole.lat * deg);
return cmat;