VisiOmatic web client



 #	This file part of:	VisiOmatic
 * @file Common WCS (World Coordinate System) (de-)projection assets.
 * @requires util/VUtil.js

 * @copyright (c) 2014-2024 CNRS/IAP/CFHT/SorbonneU/CEA/AIM/UParisSaclay
 * @author Emmanuel Bertin <>
import {
} from 'leaflet';

import {CelSys} from './CelSys';
import {VUtil} from '../util';

export const Projection = Class.extend( /** @lends Projection */ {

	bounds: bounds([-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5]),

	 * Projection parameters. The ordering of array elements follows
	   the Leaflet convention: latitude comes first in [latitude,longitude]
	   pairs, while x comes first in Cartesian coordinates. However the center
	   of the first pixel in the array has image coordinates [1.0, 1.0],
	   conforming to the FITS convention.
	   Private properties are set by methods. Other private properties
	   may be added by subclass methods.
	 * @see {@link}
	 * @typedef projParam
	 * @property {string} name
	   Extension name.
	 * @property {{x: string, y: string}} ctype
 	   Projection coordinate types (`CTYPEi` FITS keyword values).
	 * @property {number[]} naxis
	   Image shape (`NAXISi` FITS keyword values)
	 * @property {number[]} crpix (`CRPIXi` FITS keyword values).
	   Image coordinates of the projection center.
	 * @property {number[]} crval
	   Celestial latitude and longitude of the projection center. (`CRVALi` FITS
	   keyword values).
	 * @property {number[][]} cd
	   Jacobian matrix of the deprojection (`CDi_j` FITS keyword values).
	 * @property {number[]} natpole
	   Latitude and longitude of the native pole.
	 * @property {number[][]} pv
	   Projection distortion terms on each axis (`PVi_j` FITS keyword values).
	 * @property {number} npv
	   Number of non-zero
	 * @property {number[]} jd
	   Julian Date for start and end of observation.
	 * @property {number[]} obslatlng
	   Latitude and longitude of observatory.
	 * @property {number[][]} dataslice
	   Start index, end index, and direction (+1 only) of the used section of
	   the image data for each axis. The range notation follows the FITS
	   convention (start at index 1 and include the end index).
	 * @property {number[][]} detslice
	   Start index, end index, and direction (+1 or -1) of the used section of
	   the detector in the merged image for each axis. The range notation
	   follows the FITS convention (start at index 1 and include the end index).
	 * @property {number[][]} _cdinv
	   Jacobian matrix of the projection (inverse of the `CD` matrix).
	 * @property {number[]} _natrval
	   Native latitude and longitude of the projection center.
	 * @property {boolean} _pixelFlag
	   True for a Cartesian projection.
	 * @property {'equatorial'|'galactic'|'ecliptic'|'supergalactic'} celsyscode
	   Type of celestial system.

	 * Default WCS projection parameters.
	 * @type {projParam}
	 * @static
	defaultProjParam: {
		name: '',
		ctype: {x: 'PIXEL', y: 'PIXEL'},
		naxis: [256, 256],
		crpix: [129, 129],
		crval: [0., 0.],							// (\delta_0, \alpha_0)
		cd: [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]],
		natpole: [90., 999.],						// (\theta_p, \phi_p)
		pv: [[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
		      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
		     [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
		      0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]],
		npv: 0,
		jd: [0., 0.],
		obslatlng: [0., 0.],

	 * Base class for the WCS (World Coordinate System) projections used in
	 * @extends leaflet.Projection
	 * @memberof module:crs/Projection.js
	 * @constructs
	 * @param {object} header - JSON representation of the image header.
	 * @param {projParam} [options] - Projection options.

	 * @returns {Projection} Instance of a projection.
	initialize: function (header, options) {
		this.options = options;

		// Override selected WCS parameters with options
		// (including data slicing)
		if (options) {
		// Projection-dependent initializations
		projparam = this.projparam;
		if (!projparam._pixelFlag) {
			// Identify the native celestial coordinate system
			switch (projparam.ctype.x.substr(0, 1)) {
			case 'G':
				projparam.celsyscode = 'galactic';
			case 'E':
				projparam.celsyscode = 'ecliptic';
			case 'S':
				projparam.celsyscode = 'supergalactic';
				projparam.celsyscode = 'equatorial';
			// true if a celestial system transformation is required.
			if (projparam.celsyscode && projparam.celsyscode !== 'equatorial') {
				this.celsys = new CelSys(projparam.celsyscode);

	 * Update internal projection parameters from external properties.
	 * The internal projection parameter object is initialized if it does not
	 * exist.
	 * @private
	 * @param {projParam} paramSrc
	   Input projection parameters.
	_paramUpdate: function (paramsrc) {

		if (!this.projparam) {
			this.projparam = {};

		projparam = this.projparam;

		if (paramsrc.ctype) {
			projparam.ctype = {x: paramsrc.ctype.x, y: paramsrc.ctype.y};
		if (paramsrc.naxis) {
			projparam.naxis = point(paramsrc.naxis);
		if (paramsrc.crval) {
			projparam.crval = projparam.cpole = latLng(paramsrc.crval);
		if (paramsrc.crpix) {
			projparam.crpix = point(paramsrc.crpix);
		if ( { = [[[0][0],[0][1]],
		if (paramsrc.natpole) {
			projparam.natpole = latLng(paramsrc.natpole);
		if (paramsrc.pv) {
			// Still incomplete
			projparam.pv = [];
			projparam.pv[0] = paramsrc.pv[0].slice();
			projparam.pv[1] = paramsrc.pv[1].slice();
		if (paramsrc.npv) {
			projparam.npv = point(paramsrc.npv);
		if (paramsrc.jd) {
			projparam.jd = [paramsrc.jd[0], paramsrc.jd[1]];
		if (paramsrc.obslatlng) {
			projparam.obslatlng = [
				paramsrc.obslatlng[0], paramsrc.obslatlng[1]
		if (typeof(paramsrc.celsyscode) !== 'undefined') {
			projparam.celsyscode = paramsrc.celsyscode;

		projparam.dataslice = paramsrc.dataslice ? paramsrc.dataslice
			: [[1, projparam.naxis[0], 1], [1, projparam.naxis[1], 1]];
		if (paramsrc.detslice) {
			projparam.detslice = paramsrc.detslice;

	 * Update internal projection parameters from an image header.
	 * @private
	 * @param {object} header - JSON representation of the image header.
	_readWCS: function (header) {
		const	projparam = this.projparam;
		let	npv = -1;
		var	v; =;
		if ((v = header['EXTNAME'])) { = v; }
		if ((v = header['CTYPE1'])) { projparam.ctype.x = v; }
		if ((v = header['CTYPE2'])) { projparam.ctype.y = v; }
		if ((v = header['NAXIS1'])) { projparam.naxis.x = v; }
		if ((v = header['NAXIS2'])) { projparam.naxis.y = v; }
		if ((v = header['CRPIX1'])) { projparam.crpix.x = v; }
		if ((v = header['CRPIX2'])) { projparam.crpix.y = v; }
		if ((v = header['CRVAL1'])) { projparam.crval.lng = v; }
		if ((v = header['CRVAL2'])) { = v; }
		if ((v = header['LONPOLE'])) { projparam.natpole.lng = v; }
		if ((v = header['LATPOLE'])) { = v; }
		if ((v = header['CD1_1'])) {[0][0] = v; }
		if ((v = header['CD1_2'])) {[0][1] = v; }
		if ((v = header['CD2_1'])) {[1][0] = v; }
		if ((v = header['CD2_2'])) {[1][1] = v; }
		// Check PV keyword values
		for (var d = 0; d < 2; d++) {
			var	pv = projparam.pv[d];
			for (var j = 0; j < 40; j++) {
				if ((v = header['PV' + (d + 1) + '_' + j])) {
					pv[j] = v;
					npv = j > npv? j : npv;
		// Max number of PV terms involved (for any dimension)
		projparam.npv = npv + 1;

		// Time parameters
		// Julian Date/Time at start of observing
		if ((v = header['MJD-OBS']) || (v = header['MJDSTART'])) {
			projparam.jd[0] = v + 2400000.5;
		} else if ((v = header['DATE-OBS'])) {
			// Decode DATE-OBS format: DD/MM/YY or YYYY-MM-DD
			projparam.jd[0] = new Date(v).getTime() / 86400000. + 2440587.5;
		if ((v = header['MJDEND'])) {
			projparam.jd[1] = v + 2400000.5;
		} else if ((v = header['EXPTIME'])) {
			// Add exposure time to compute end JD
			projparam.jd[1] = projparam.jd[0] + v / 86400.;
		} else {
			// Add 1s to compute end JD (better than nothing)
			projparam.jd[1] = projparam.jd[0] + 1.0 / 86400.;
		// Observer's location
		if ((v = header['LONGITUD'])) { projparam.obslatlng[1] = v; }
		if ((v = header['LATITUDE'])) { projparam.obslatlng[0] = v; }

	 * Correct projection parameters for data slicing.
	 * @private
	 * @param {projParam} projparam
	   Projection parameters.
	_shiftWCS: function (projparam) {
		const	crpix = projparam.crpix,
			cd =,
			dataslice = projparam.dataslice,
			detslice = projparam.detslice;

		crpix.x = detslice[0][0] + detslice[0][2] * (crpix.x - dataslice[0][0]);
		crpix.y = detslice[1][0] + detslice[1][2] * (crpix.y - dataslice[1][0]);
		cd[0][0] *= detslice[0][2];
		cd[0][1] *= detslice[1][2];
		cd[1][0] *= detslice[0][2];
		cd[1][1] *= detslice[1][2];

	 * Project world coordinates to pixel (image) coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng
	   World coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Pixel (image) coordinates.
	project: function (latlng) {
		const	phiTheta = this._raDecToPhiTheta(
			this.celsys ? this.celsys.fromEq(latlng) : latlng
		); = this._thetaToR(;
		return this._redToPix(this._phiRToRed(phiTheta));

	 * De-project pixel (image) coordinates to world coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pnt
	   Pixel coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
	   World coordinates.
	unproject: function (pnt) {
		const	phiTheta = this._redToPhiR(this._pixToRed(pnt)); = this._rToTheta(;

		const	latlng = this._phiThetaToRADec(phiTheta);
		if (latlng.lng < -180.0) {
			latlng.lng += 360.0;
		return this.celsys ? this.celsys.ToEq(latlng) : latlng;

	 * Compute the pixel coordinates of the geometric image center.
	 * @private
	 * @param {Projection} proj
	   Projection for pixel coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Pixel coordinates of the image center.
	_getCenter(proj) {
		const	projparam = this.projparam,
			detslice = projparam.detslice;
		return detslice?
			(point(detslice[0][0], detslice[1][0])._add(
				point(detslice[0][1], detslice[1][1])))._divideBy(2.0) :
				(projparam.naxis.x + 1.0) / 2.0,
				(projparam.naxis.y + 1.0) / 2.0

	 * Set up the native pole coordinates of the projection (theta_p, phi_p).
	 * @private
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
	   Latitude and longitude of the pole.
	_natpole: function () {
		const	deg = Math.PI / 180.0,
			projparam = this.projparam,
			natpole = latLng(90.0, 180.0);

		// Special case of fiducial point lying at the native pole
		if ( === 90.0) {
			if (projparam.natpole.lng === 999.0) {
				natpole.lng = 180.0;
			} =;
		} else if (projparam.natpole.lng === 999.0) {
			natpole.lng = ( < ?
				180.0 : 0.0;

		return natpole;

	 * Set up the celestial pole coordinates of the projection
	   (delta_p, alpha_p). projection._natpole() should be called first.
	 * @private
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
	   Celestial coordinates of the pole.
	_cpole: function () {
		const	deg = Math.PI / 180.0,
			projparam = this.projparam,
			dphip = projparam._natpole.lng - projparam._natrval.lng,
			cdphip = Math.cos(dphip * deg),
			sdphip = Math.sin(dphip * deg),
			ct0 = Math.cos( * deg),
			st0 = Math.sin( * deg),
			cd0 = Math.cos( * deg),
			sd0 = Math.sin( * deg),
			ddeltap = Math.acos(sd0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 - ct0 * ct0 *
				sdphip * sdphip)) / deg;
		let	deltap = Math.atan2(st0, ct0 * cdphip) / deg,
			deltap1 = deltap + ddeltap,
			deltap2 = deltap - ddeltap;

		if (deltap1 < -180.0) {
			deltap1 += 360.0;
		} else if (deltap1 > 180.0) {
			deltap1 -= 360.0;
		if (deltap2 < -180.0) {
			deltap2 += 360.0;
		} else if (deltap2 > 180.0) {
			deltap2 -= 360.0;
		if (deltap1 > 90.0) {
			deltap = deltap2;
		} else if (deltap2 < -90.0) {
			deltap = deltap1;
		} else {
			deltap = (Math.abs(deltap1 - <
			   Math.abs(deltap2 - ? deltap1 : deltap2;
		const	alphap = Math.abs( === 90.0 ?
			projparam.crval.lng : (deltap === 90.0 ? projparam.crval.lng +
				projparam._natpole.lng - projparam._natrval.lng - 180.0
				: (deltap === -90.0 ? projparam.crval.lng -
					projparam._natpole.lng + projparam._natrval.lng
					: projparam.crval.lng - Math.atan2(sdphip * ct0 / cd0,
						(st0 - Math.sin(deltap * deg) * sd0) /
							(Math.cos(deltap * deg) * cd0)) / deg));
		return latLng(deltap, alphap);

	 * Convert native coordinates to celestial coordinates.
	 * @private
	 * @param {leaflet.LagLng} latlng
	   Native coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
	   Celestial coordinates.
	_phiThetaToRADec: function (phiTheta) {
		const	projparam = this.projparam,
			deg = Math.PI / 180.0,
			rad = 180.0 / Math.PI,
			t = * deg,
			ct = Math.cos(t),
			st = Math.sin(t),
			dp = * deg,
			cdp = Math.cos(dp),
			sdp = Math.sin(dp),
			dphi = (phiTheta.lng - projparam._natpole.lng) * deg,
			cdphi = Math.cos(dphi);
		let	asinarg = st * sdp + ct * cdp * cdphi;

		if (asinarg > 1.0) {
			asinarg = 1.0;
		} else if (asinarg < -1.0) {
			asinarg = -1.0;
		return latLng(Math.asin(asinarg) * rad,
		 projparam._cpole.lng + Math.atan2(- ct * Math.sin(dphi),
		  st * cdp  - ct * sdp * cdphi) * rad);

	 * Convert celestial coordinates to native coordinates.
	 * @private
	 * @param {leaflet.LagLng} latlng
	   Celestial coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
	   Native coordinates.
	_raDecToPhiTheta: function (raDec) {
		const	projparam = this.projparam,
			deg = Math.PI / 180.0,
			rad = 180.0 / Math.PI,
			da = (raDec.lng - projparam._cpole.lng) * deg,
			cda = Math.cos(da),
			sda = Math.sin(da),
			d = * deg,
			cd = Math.cos(d),
			sd = Math.sin(d),
			dp = * deg,
			cdp = Math.cos(dp),
			sdp = Math.sin(dp),
			asinarg = sd * sdp + cd * cdp * cda,
			phitheta = latLng(Math.asin(asinarg > 1.0 ? 1.0
				: (asinarg < -1.0 ? -1.0 : asinarg)) * rad,
			projparam._natpole.lng + Math.atan2(- cd * sda,
		         sd * cdp  - cd * sdp * cda) * rad);

		if (phitheta.lng > 180.0) {
			phitheta.lng -= 360.0;
		} else if (phitheta.lng < -180.0) {
			phitheta.lng += 360.0;
		return phitheta;

	 * Convert pixel coordinates to reduced coordinates.
	 * @private
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pix
	   Pixel coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Reduced coordinates.
	_pixToRed: function (pix) {
		const	projparam = this.projparam,
		    cd =,
		    red = pix.subtract(projparam.crpix);
		return point(red.x * cd[0][0] + red.y * cd[0][1],
			red.x * cd[1][0] + red.y * cd[1][1]);

	 * Convert reduced coordinates to pixel coordinates.
	 * @private
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} red
	   Reduced coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Pixel coordinates.
	_redToPix: function (red) {
		const projparam = this.projparam,
		    cdinv = projparam._cdinv;
		return point(red.x * cdinv[0][0] + red.y * cdinv[0][1],
		 red.x * cdinv[1][0] + red.y * cdinv[1][1]).add(projparam.crpix);

	 * Convert pixel coordinates to sliced (merged) coordinates.
	 * @private
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pnt
	   Pixel coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Sliced (merged) coordinates.
	_pixToMulti: function (pnt) {
		const	dataslice = this.projparam.dataslice,
			detslice = this.projparam.detslice;

		return point([
			(pnt.x - dataslice[0][0]) * detslice[0][2] + detslice[0][0],
			(pnt.y - dataslice[1][0]) * detslice[1][2] + detslice[1][0]

	 * Convert sliced (merged) coordinates to pixel coordinates.
	 * @private
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pnt
	   Sliced (merged) coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Pixel coordinates.
	_multiToPix: function (pnt) {
		const	dataslice = this.projparam.dataslice,
			detslice = this.projparam.detslice;

		return point([
			(pnt.x - detslice[0][0]) * detslice[0][2] + dataslice[0][0],
			(pnt.y - detslice[1][0]) * detslice[1][2] + dataslice[1][0]

	 * Invert the `CD` Jacobian matrix of the linear part of the de-projection.
	 * @private
	 * @param {number[][]} cd
	   `CD` Jacobian matrix.
	 * @returns {number[][]}
	   Matrix inverse.
	_invertCD: function (cd) {
		const	detinv = 1.0 / (cd[0][0] * cd[1][1] - cd[0][1] * cd[1][0]);
		return [[cd[1][1] * detinv, -cd[0][1] * detinv],
		 [-cd[1][0] * detinv, cd[0][0] * detinv]];