VisiOmatic web client



 #	This file part of:	VisiOmatic
 * @file Support for the WCS (World Coordinate System).
 * @requires crs/Conical.js
 * @requires crs/Cylindrical.js
 * @requires crs/Pixel.js
 * @requires crs/Zenithal.js

 * @copyright (c) 2014-2024 CFHT/CNRS/CEA/AIM/UParisSaclay
 * @author Emmanuel Bertin <>
import {
} from 'leaflet';

import {COE} from './Conical';
import {AIT, CAR, CEA, MER, MOL} from './Cylindrical';
import {TAN, TPV, ZEA} from './Zenithal';
import {Pixel} from './Pixel';

// Document the "image" object that stores image metadata
 * Image metadata sent in JSON by the VisiOmatic server.
 * @typedef image
 * @property {number[]} size
   Shape of the image (FITS convention: NAXIS1 first).
 * @property {number[][]} dataslice
   Start index, end index, and direction (+1 only) of the used section of the
   image data for each axis. The range notation follows the FITS convention
   (start at index 1 and include the end index).
 * @property {number[][]} detslice
   Start index, end index, and direction (+1 or -1) of the used section of the
   detector in the merged image for each axis. The range notation follows the
   FITS convention (start at index 1 and include the end index).
 * @property {number[][]} min_max
   Minimum and maximum clipping limits of the pixel values on each image plane.
 * @property {object} header
   JSON representation of the merged image header.

// Make a class out of the CRS object before extending it
CRSclass = Class.extend(CRS);

export const WCS = CRSclass.extend( /** @lends WCS */ {
	   Codename of the WCS coordinate reference system.
	code: 'WCS',

	options: {
		nzoom: 9

	 * Create a new coordinate reference system that emulates the WCS
	 * (World Coordinate System) used in astronomy.
	 * @extends leaflet.CRS
	 * @memberof module:crs/WCS.js
	 * @constructs
	 * @param {object} header - JSON representation of the merged image header.
	 * @param {image[]} images - Array of image extension metadata.
	 * @param {object} [options] - Options.

	 * @param {number} [options.nzoom=9]
	   Number of zoom levels.

	 * @returns {WCS} Instance of a World Coordinate System.
	initialize: function (header, images, options) {
		const	nimages = images.length;

		options = Util.setOptions(this, options);
		this.nzoom = options.nzoom;
		this.projection = this.getProjection(header, options);

		const merged_proj = this.projection;
		if (nimages > 1) {
			this.projections = new Array(nimages);
			for (const [i, image] of images.entries()) {
				var	proj = this.getProjection(
						dataslice: image.dataslice,
						detslice: image.detslice
				if ( === '') { = '#' + str(i+1);
				proj.centerPnt = proj._getCenter(merged_proj);
				this.projections[i] = proj;

			this.latLngToPoint = this.multiLatLngToPoint
			this.pointToLatLng = this.multiPointToLatLng
			this.project = this.multiProject;
			this.unproject = this.multiUnproject;

		// Propagate some projection properties.
		this.naxis = merged_proj.projparam.naxis;
		this.centerLatLng = merged_proj.unproject(
		// Default limits of validity for coordinates
		this.wrapLng = [0.5, this.naxis.x - 0.5];
		this.wrapLat = [this.naxis.y - 0.5, 0.5];
		// Leaflet's transformation parameters to deal with the FITS standard:
		// y increases from bottom to top, center coords of 1st pixel are 1.,1.
		this.transformation = new Transformation(
			1.0, -0.5,
			-1.0, this.naxis.y + 0.5
		// Custom projection code, e.g., WCS-TAN
		this.code += ':' + merged_proj.code;
		this.pixelFlag = merged_proj.projparam._pixelFlag;
		this.infinite = merged_proj.projparam._infinite;
		this.jd = merged_proj.projparam.jd;
		this.obslatlng = merged_proj.projparam.obslatlng;

	 * Convert pixel (image) coordinates to layer coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pnt - Pixel coordinates.
	 * @param {number} zoom - Zoom level.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Layer coordinates at the given zoom level.
	transform(pnt, zoom) {
		return this.transformation._transform(pnt, this.scale(zoom));

	 * Convert layer coordinates to pixel (image) coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} layerpnt - Layer coordinates.
	 * @param {number} zoom - Zoom level.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Pixel (image) coordinates
	untransform(layerpnt, zoom) {
		return this.transformation.untransform(layerpnt, this.scale(zoom));

	 * Multi-WCS version of the projection to layer coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng - Input world coordinates.
	 * @param {number} zoom - Zoom level.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point}
	   Layer coordinates at the given zoom level.
	multiLatLngToPoint(latlng, zoom) {
		return this.transform(this.multiProject(latlng), zoom);

	 * Multi-WCS version of the de-projection from layer coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pnt
	   Input layer coordinates at the given zoom level.
	 * @param {number} zoom
	   Zoom level.
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng}
	   De-projected world coordinates.
	multiPointToLatLng(pnt, zoom) {
		return this.multiUnproject(this.untransform(pnt, zoom));

	 * Multi-WCS astrometric projection.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng - Input world coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.Point} Projected (merged) pixel coordinates.
	multiProject(latlng) {
		const	proj1 = this.projections[this.multiLatLngToIndex(latlng)],
			pnt = proj1._pixToMulti(proj1.project(latlng)),
			proj2 = this.projections[this.multiPntToIndex(pnt)];

		return proj2._pixToMulti(proj2.project(latlng));
	 * Multi-WCS version of the astrometric de-projection.
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pnt - Input (merged) pixel coordinates.
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng} De-projected world coordinates.
	multiUnproject(pnt) {
		const	proj = this.projections[this.multiPntToIndex(pnt)];

		return proj.unproject(proj._multiToPix(pnt));

	 * Return index of chip closest to the given world coordinates in a
	   multi-WCS setting.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng - Input world coordinates.
	 * @returns {number} Index of the closest chip (extension).
	multiLatLngToIndex(latlng) {
		return this.multiPntToIndex(this.projection.project(latlng));

	 * Return index of chip closest to the given pixel coordinates in a
	   multi-WCS setting.
	 * @param {leaflet.Point} pnt - Input (merged) pixel coordinates.
	 * @returns {number} Index of the closest chip (extension).
	multiPntToIndex(pnt) {
		let	dc = 1e+30,
			pc = -1;
		for (var p in this.projections) {
			var	pntc = this.projections[p].centerPnt;
			if ((d = pnt.distanceTo(pntc)) < dc) {
				pc = p;
				dc = d;
		return pc;
	 * Extract the WCS projection code from a JSON-encoded image header.
	 * @param {object} header - JSON representation of the image header.
	 * @param {object} [options] - Projection options.
	 * @returns {string} WCS projection code.
	getProjection: function (header, options) {
		const	ctype1 = header['CTYPE1'] || 'PIXEL';

		switch (ctype1.substr(5, 3)) {
		case 'ZEA':
			proj = new ZEA(header, options);
		case 'TAN':
			proj = new TAN(header, options);
		case 'TPV':
			proj = new TPV(header, options);
		case 'AIT':
			proj = new AIT(header, options);
		case 'CAR':
			proj = new CAR(header, options);
		case 'CEA':
			proj = new CEA(header, options);
		case 'MER':
			proj = new MER(header, options);
		case 'MOL':
			proj = new MOL(header, options);
		case 'COE':
			proj = new COE(header, options);
			proj = new Pixel(header, options);

		return proj;

	 * Convert zoom level to relative scale.
	 * @override
	 * @param {number} zoom - Zoom level.
	 * @returns {number} Relative scale.
	scale: function (zoom) {
		return Math.pow(2, zoom - this.nzoom + 1);

	 * Convert relative scale to zoom level.
	 * @override
	 * @param {number} scale - Relative scale.
	 * @returns {number} Zoom level.
	zoom: function (scale) {
		return Math.log(scale) / Math.LN2 + this.nzoom - 1;

	 * Compute the image pixel scale at the given world coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng - World coordinates.
	 * @returns {number} Pixel scale (in degrees per pixel).
	rawPixelScale: function (latlng) {
		const	p0 = this.projection.project(latlng),
			latlngdx = this.projection.unproject(p0.add([10.0, 0.0])),
			latlngdy = this.projection.unproject(p0.add([0.0, 10.0]));
		let	dlngdx = latlngdx.lng - latlng.lng,
			dlngdy = latlngdy.lng - latlng.lng;

		if (dlngdx > 180.0) { dlngdx -= 360.0; }
		else if (dlngdx < -180.0) { dlngdx += 360.0; }
		if (dlngdy > 180.0) { dlngdy -= 360.0; }
		else if (dlngdy < -180.0) { dlngdy += 360.0; }

		return 0.1 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs((dlngdx * ( - -
		  dlngdy * ( - *
		  Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180.0));

	 * Compute the layer pixel scale at the given world coordinates.
	 * @param {number} zoom - Zoom level.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng - World coordinates.
	 * @returns {number} Layer pixel scale (in degrees per pixel).
	pixelScale: function (zoom, latlng) {
		return this.rawPixelScale(latlng) / this.scale(zoom);

	 * Compute the zoom level that corresponds to a given FoV at the provided
	 * @param {leaflet.Map} map - Leaflet map.
	 * @param {number} fov - Field of View in degrees.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng - World coordinates.
	 * @returns {number} Zoom level.
	fovToZoom: function (map, fov, latlng) {
		const	size = map.getSize();
		let	scale = this.rawPixelScale(latlng);

		if (fov < scale) { fov = scale; }
		scale *= Math.sqrt(size.x * size.x + size.y * size.y);
		return fov > 0.0 ? this.zoom(scale / fov) : this.nzoom - 1;

	 * Compute the FoV that corresponds to a given zoom level at the provided
	 * coordinates.
	 * @param {leaflet.Map} map - Leaflet map.
	 * @param {number} zoom - Zoom level.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng - World coordinates.
	 * @returns {number} Field of View in degrees.
	zoomToFov: function (map, zoom, latlng) {
		const	size = map.getSize(),
			scale = this.rawPixelScale(latlng) *
			  Math.sqrt(size.x * size.x + size.y * size.y),
			zscale = this.scale(zoom);
		return  zscale > 0.0 ? scale / zscale : scale;

	 * Compute the distance between two points on the sphere.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng1 - World coordinates of the first point.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng2 - World coordinates of the second point.
	 * @returns {number} Spherical distance between the two points in degrees.
	distance: function (latlng1, latlng2) {
		const	rad = Math.PI / 180.0,
			lat1 = * rad,
			lat2 = * rad,
			a = Math.sin(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2) +
				Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(
					(latlng2.lng - latlng1.lng) * rad

		return 180.0 / Math.PI * Math.acos(Math.min(a, 1));

	 * Parse a string of world coordinates.
	 * @param {string} str
	   Input string.
	 * @returns {leaflet.LatLng|undefined}
	   World coordinates, or `undefined` if conversion failed.
	parseCoords: function (str) {
		// Try VisiOmatic sexagesimal first
		let	latlng = this.hmsDMSToLatLng(str);

		if (typeof latlng === 'undefined') {
			// Parse regular deg, deg. The heading "J" is to support the Sesame@CDS output
			let	result = /(?:%J\s|^)([-+]?\d+\.?\d*)\s*[,\s]+\s*([-+]?\d+\.?\d*)/g.exec(str);
			if (result && result.length >= 3) {
				latlng = latLng(Number(result[2]), Number(result[1]));
		return latlng? latlng : undefined;

	 * Convert world coordinates to an HMSDMS string
	   (DMS code from the Leaflet-Coordinates plug-in).
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latlng
	   Input world coordinates.
	 * @returns {string}
	   Coordinate string in HMSDMS.
	latLngToHMSDMS : function (latlng) {
		let	lng = (latlng.lng + 360.0) / 360.0;
		lng = (lng - Math.floor(lng)) * 24.0;

		let h = Math.floor(lng),
		 mf = (lng - h) * 60.0,
		 m = Math.floor(mf),
		 sf = (mf - m) * 60.0;

		if (sf >= 60.0) {
			sf = 0.0;
		if (m === 60) {
			m = 0;
		const	str = (h < 10 ? '0' : '') + h.toString() + ':' +
			(m < 10 ? '0' : '') + m.toString() +
			':' + (sf < 10.0 ? '0' : '') + sf.toFixed(3),
			lat = Math.abs(,
			sgn = < 0.0 ? '-' : '+',
			d = Math.floor(lat);

		mf = (lat - d) * 60.0;
		m = Math.floor(mf);
		sf = (mf - m) * 60.0;
		if (sf >= 60.0) {
			sf = 0.0;
		if (m === 60) {
			m = 0;
		return str + ' ' + sgn + (d < 10 ? '0' : '') + d.toString() + ':' +
		 (m < 10 ? '0' : '') + m.toString() + ':' +
		 (sf < 10.0 ? '0' : '') + sf.toFixed(2);

	 * Convert an HMSDMS string to world coordinates.
	 * @param {string}
	   Coordinate string in HMSDMS.
	 * @return {leaflet.LatLng|undefined}
	   World coordinates, or `undefined` if the input string could not be
	hmsDMSToLatLng: function (str) {
		var result;

		result = /^\s*(\d+)[h:](\d+)[m':](\d+\.?\d*)[s"]?\s*,?\s*([-+]?)(\d+)[d°:](\d+)[m':](\d+\.?\d*)[s"]?/g.exec(str);
		if (result && result.length >= 8) {
			const	sgn = Number(result[4] + '1');

			return latLng(
				sgn * (Number(result[5]) + Number(result[6]) / 60.0 +
					Number(result[7]) / 3600.0),
				Number(result[1]) * 15.0 + Number(result[2]) / 4.0 +
					Number(result[3]) / 240.0
		} else {
			return undefined;

	 * Compute the longitude of a point with respect to a reference point.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latLng
	   World coordinates of the point.
	 * @param {leaflet.LatLng} latLng0
	   World coordinates of the reference point.
	 * @returns {number}
	   Difference in longitude (in degrees) in the interval -180 to 180 deg.
	_deltaLng: function (latLng, latLng0) {
		const	dlng = latLng.lng - latLng0.lng;

		return dlng > 180.0 ? dlng - 360.0 : (dlng < -180.0 ? dlng + 360.0 : dlng);

 * Instantiate a World Coordinate System.
 * @function
 * @param {object} header - JSON representation of the merged image header.
 * @param {Image[]} images - Array of image extensions.
 * @param {object} [options] - Options: see {@link WCS}.
 * @returns {WCS} WCS instance.
export const wcs = function (header, images, options) {
	return new WCS(header, images, options);