User Interface
UI base class
- class UI(baseLayers, options)
Base class for VisiOmatic dialog controls.
- Arguments:
baseLayers (Array.<VTileLayer>) -- Array of layers
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Layer title. Defaults to the basename of the tile URL with extension removed.
options.collapsed (boolean) -- Start dialog in the collapsed state?
options.position (boolean) -- Position of the dialog on the map.
- Returns:
UI -- VisiOmatic UI instance.
- static UI._addButton(className, parent, subClassName, title, fn)
Add a new button to the provided parent element.
- Arguments:
className (string) -- Class name for the button.
parent (object) -- The parent element.
subClassName (string) -- Sub-class name for the button (will be combined with ClassName to generate a unique element id).
title (string) -- Title of the button (for, e.g., display as a tooltip).
fn (UI~controlCallback) -- Callback function for when the button is pressed.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created button.
- static UI._addColorPicker(className, parent, subClassName, defaultColor, storageKey, title, fn)
Add a new color picker to the provided parent element.
- Arguments:
className (string) -- Class name for the color picker.
parent (object) -- The parent element.
subClassName (string) -- Sub-class name for the color picker (will be combined with ClassName to generate a unique element id).
defaultColor (string) -- Default color picked by default.
storageKey (string) -- String to be used as a local browser storage key.
title (string) -- Title of the color picker (for, e.g., display as a tooltip).
fn (UI~colorCallback) -- Callback function for when a color has been picked.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created color picker.
- static UI._addDialogBox(id)
Add a new dialog box to the UI.
- Arguments:
id (string) -- DOM id property of the box element.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created dialog box.
- static UI._addDialogElement(line)
Add a new dialog element to the provided dialog line.
- Arguments:
line (object) -- The destination dialog line.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created dialog element.
- static UI._addDialogLine(label, dialogBox)
Add a new dialog line to the provided dialog box.
- Arguments:
label (string) -- Default text in the dialog line.
dialogBox (object) -- The destination dialog box.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created dialog line.
- static UI._addLayerItem(obj)
Add control item element for the provided layer parent object.
- Arguments:
obj (object) -- Layer parent object.
- Returns:
object -- The control item element.
- static UI._addNumericalInput(layer, attr, box, label, title, initValue, step, min, max, fn)
- Add a new numerical input widget to the provided box element for
updating a layer attribute .
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- Layer affected by the numerical update.
attr (string) -- Name of the (numerical) layer attribute to be updated.
box (object) -- The parent box element.
label (string) -- Text for the created dialog line.
title (string) -- Title of the numerical input (for, e.g., display as a tooltip).
initValue (number) -- Initial numerical value.
step (number) -- Starting step value.
min (number) -- Minimum value.
max (number) -- Maximum value.
fn (UI~layerCallback) -- Callback function for when the numerical input has been updated.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created numerical input.
- static UI._addRadioButton(className, parent, value, checked, title, fn)
Add a new radio button to the provided parent element.
- Arguments:
className (string) -- Class name for the radio button.
parent (object) -- The parent element.
value (*) -- Value associated with the radio button (e.g., button index or label).
checked (boolean) -- Initial status of the button.
title (string) -- Title of the button (for, e.g., display as a tooltip).
fn (UI~controlCallback) -- Callback function for when the button is pressed.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created radio button.
- static UI._addSelectMenu(className, parent, Item, disabled, selected, title, fn)
Add a new selection menu to the provided parent element.
- Arguments:
className (string) -- Class name for the selection menu.
parent (object) -- The parent element.
Item (Array.<string>) -- list.
disabled (Array.<boolean>) -- Item-disabling flag list.
selected (number) -- Selected item index.
title (string) -- Title of the selection menu (for, e.g., display as a tooltip).
fn (UI~controlCallback) -- Callback function for when an item is selected.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created selection menu.
- static UI._addSwitchInput(layer, attr, box, label, title, checked)
Add a new layer attribute flip switch to the provided box element.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- Layer affected by the flip switch action.
attr (string) -- Name of the (boolean) layer attribute to be flipped.
box (object) -- The parent box element.
label (string) -- Text for the created dialog line.
title (string) -- Title of the flip switch (for, e.g., display as a tooltip).
checked (boolean) -- Initial switch position.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created flip switch.
- static UI._checkVisiomatic(e)
Check that the layer being loaded is a VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.LayerEvent) -- Leaflet layer event object.
- static UI._collapse()
Collapse a DOM element (by removing '-expanded' from its class name).
- static UI._expand()
Expand a DOM element (by adding '-expanded' to its class name).
- static UI._findActiveBaseLayer()
Find the base VisiOmatic layer currently active on the map.
- Returns:
object -- The active VisiOmatic layer, or undefined otherwise.
- static UI._initDialog()
Initialize the UI dialog (dummy in the base class, just a placeholder).
- static UI._onLayerChange(e)
Trigger layer list update when an (overlay) layer is added or removed.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.LayerEvent) -- Leaflet layer event object.
- static UI._resetDialog()
Reset the UI dialog.
- static UI._spinboxStep(min, max)
- Compute a step for the spinbox widget from the provided min and max
- Arguments:
min (number) -- Minimum value.
max (number) -- Maximum value.
- Returns:
number -- The computed step value.
- static UI._updateInput(element, value)
Update the value stored in a widget element.
- Arguments:
element (object) -- Widget element.
value (*) -- New value.
- static UI._updateLayerList()
Update the control list of layers.
- Returns:
object -- This (control).
- static UI.addLayer(layer, name, index)
Add (overlay) layer from the present control.
- Arguments:
layer (leaflet.Layer) -- Layer to be added.
name (string) -- Layer name.
index (number) -- Layer depth index.
- Returns:
object -- This (control).
- static UI.addTo(dest)
Add the control to the map or to a sidebar.
- Arguments:
dest (object) -- Destination map or sidebar.
- Returns:
object -- Destination object.
- static UI.getActiveBaseLayer()
Get the base layer currently active on the map.
- Returns:
object -- Tile- or overlay layer.
- static UI.onAdd(map)
Add the control dialog directly to the map.
- Arguments:
map (object) -- Leaflet map the control has been added to.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created container of the dialog.
- static UI.removeLayer(layer)
Remove (overlay) layer from the present control.
- Arguments:
layer (leaflet.Layer) -- Layer to be removed.
- Returns:
object -- This (control).
- UI.colorCallback()
Callbacks for color picker changes.
- UI.controlCallback(UI)
Callbacks for UI control changes.
- Arguments:
UI (object) -- control object.
- UI.layerCallback(layer)
Callbacks for layer attribute changes.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
See also
Leaflet API reference]{@link}
Catalog UI
- class CatalogUI(catalogs, options)
Create a VisiOmatic dialog for catalog queries and catalog overlays.
- Arguments:
catalogs (Array.<Catalog>) -- Array of catalogs
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
options.color (string) -- Default catalog overlay color.
options.timeOut (number) -- Time out delay for catalog queries, in seconds.
options.authenticate (boolean) -- Force authentication for querying catalogs?
- Returns:
CatalogUI -- VisiOmatic CatalogUI instance.
- CatalogUI.defaultCatalogs
type: Array.<Catalog>
Default array of catalogs.
- static CatalogUI._getCatalog(catalog, timeout)
Query catalog.
- Arguments:
catalog (Catalog) -- Catalog.
timeout (number) -- Query time out delay, in seconds. Defaults to no time out.
- static CatalogUI._initDialog()
Initialize the catalog query dialog.
- static CatalogUI._loadCatalog(catalog, templayer, response)
Load catalog data and display the overlay layer.
- Arguments:
catalog (Catalog) -- Catalog.
templayer (leaflet.Layer) -- "Dummy" layer to activate a spinner sign.
response (object) -- Response object from the fetch() request.
- static CatalogUI._resetDialog()
Reset the catalog query dialog.
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
Channel UI
- class ChannelUI(options)
Create a VisiOmatic dialog for managing the VisiOmatic layer channels.
- Arguments:
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
options.color ('grey'|'jet'|'cool'|'hot') -- Default color map in
mixing mode.options.mixingMode ('mono'|'color') -- Mixing mode: single channel (
) or color mix ('color'
). Defaults to [layer settings]{@link VTileLayer}.
- Returns:
ChannelUI -- Instance of a channel mixing user interface.
- static ChannelUI._activateChanElem(trashElem, layer, channel)
- Add listener to a channel element for setting the current channel
of a given VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
trashElem (object) -- Trash element.
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
- static ChannelUI._activateTrashElem(trashElem, layer, channel)
- Add listener to a trash element for blackening the current channel color
of a given VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
trashElem (object) -- Trash element.
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
- static ChannelUI._addMinMax(layer, channel, box)
- Add a pair of spinboxes for setting the min and max clipping limits of
pixel values.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
box (object) -- The parent box element.
- static ChannelUI._gotoChannel(layer, channel=0)
Set current channel.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
- static ChannelUI._initColorDialog(layer, box)
Initialize the
flavor of the channel mixing dialog.- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
box (object) -- The parent box element.
- static ChannelUI._initDialog()
Initialize the channel mixing dialog.
- static ChannelUI._initMonoDialog(layer, box)
Initialize the
flavor of the channel mixing dialog.- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
box (object) -- The parent box element.
- static ChannelUI._pauseAnimation(layer)
Pause Animation.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
- static ChannelUI._playAnimation(layer, {boolean))
Play Animation by iterating over channels/slices.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
{boolean) -- [reverse=false] Play in reverse?
- static ChannelUI._updateChannel(layer, channel, {boolean))
Set/update the channel controls for a given channel.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
{boolean) -- [updateColor=false] Update Color patch element?
- static ChannelUI._updateChannelList(layer)
Update the list of channels in the dialog.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
- static ChannelUI._updateChannelMix(layer, channel, channel_rgb)
- Update the color mixing matrix with the RGB contribution of a given
channel and redraw the VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
channel_rgb (RGB) -- RGB color.
- static ChannelUI._updateColPick(layer, channel)
Update the color picker value based on the given channel color.
- Arguments:
layer (number) -- VisiOmatic layer.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
- static ChannelUI.loadSettings(layer, settings, mode, keepChannel=false)
Copy channel mixing settings to a VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
settings (object) -- Object where to save the settings properties.
mode ('mono'|'color') -- Mixing mode: single channel (
) or color mix ('color'
).keepChannel (boolean) -- Overwrite the current layer channel?
- static ChannelUI.saveSettings(layer, settings, mode)
Copy channel mixing settings from a VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
settings (object) -- Object where to save the settings properties.
mode ('mono'|'color') -- Mixing mode: single channel (
) or color mix ('color'
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
Doc UI
- class DocUI(url, options)
Create a VisiOmatic dialog for the online documentation.
- Arguments:
url (string) -- Documentation URL.
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
options.pdflink (string) -- URL of the PDF version of the documentation.
- Returns:
DocUI -- Instance of a VisiOmatic documentation user interface.
Navigate back in the IFrame.
See also
Disable navigation buttons on both sides of history positions.
Navigate forward in the IFrame.
See also
Navigate home in the IFrame.
See also
- static DocUI._initDialog()
Initialize the documentation dialog.
Triggered on IFrame load.
See also
Update navigation buttons.
- Arguments:
newPos (number) -- Position in navigation history.
See also
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
Image UI
- class ImageUI(options)
Create a VisiOmatic dialog for setting the VisiOmatic layer rendering.
- Arguments:
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
- Returns:
ImageUI -- Instance of a user interface for the rendering preferences.
- static ImageUI._initDialog()
Initialize the rendering preference dialog.
- static ImageUI.loadSettings(layer, settings)
Copy rendering settings to a VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
settings (object) -- Object where to save the settings properties.
- static ImageUI.saveSettings(layer, settings)
Copy rendering settings from a VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
settings (object) -- Object where to save the settings properties.
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
Preferences UI
- class PreferencesUI(options)
Create a VisiOmatic dialog for managing preferences.
- Arguments:
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
- Returns:
PreferencesUI -- Instance of a VisiOmatic preference interface.
- static PreferencesUI._initDialog()
Initialize the Preferences dialog.
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
Profile UI
- class ProfileUI(options)
Create a VisiOmatic dialog for plotting image profiles and spectra.
- Arguments:
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
options.profile (boolean) -- Include Profile plotting dialog?
options.profileColor (string) -- Default profile overlay color
options.spectrum (boolean) -- Include spectrum plotting dialog?
options.spectrumColor (string) -- Default spectrumoverlay color
options.chartZoomOptions (string) -- Default options for the chartjs-plugin-zoom Chart plug-in.
- Returns:
ProfileUI -- Instance of a VisiOmatic profile and spectrum plotting user interface.
- static ProfileUI._extractAverage(layer, rawprof, channel)
- Extract the average pixel value in a given channel from the multichannel
profiles of a given VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
rawprof (Array.<number>) -- Input "raw" (multiplexed) image profiles.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
- Returns:
number -- Average value.
- static ProfileUI._extractProfile(layer, rawprof, channel)
- Extract the image profile in a given channel from the multichannel
profiles of a given VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
layer (VTileLayer) -- VisiOmatic layer.
rawprof (Array.<number>) -- Input "raw" (multiplexed) image profiles.
channel (number) -- Image channel.
- Returns:
Array.<number> -- Extracted image profile.
- static ProfileUI._getDistanceString()
Compute distance and set up measurement string.
- Returns:
string -- Measurement string.
- static ProfileUI._initDialog()
Initialize the profile/spectrum plotting dialog.
- static ProfileUI._plotProfile(response)
Load and plot image profile data.
- Arguments:
response (object) -- HTTP response object.
- static ProfileUI._plotSpectrum(self, httpRequest)
Load and plot spectrum data.
- Arguments:
self (object) -- Calling control object (
).httpRequest (object) -- HTTP request.
- static ProfileUI._profileEnd()
End interactive profile line definition and do the profile query.
- static ProfileUI._updateLine(e)
Update plotted line parameters.
- Arguments:
e (event) -- Triggering event (e.g.,
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
Region UI
- class RegionUI(regions, options)
- Create a VisiOmatic dialog for overlaying region and Point of Interest
- Arguments:
regions (Array.<region>) -- Regions to overlay.
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
options.color (string) -- Default region overlay color.
- Returns:
ProfileUI -- Instance of a VisiOmatic profile and spectrum plotting user interface.
- static RegionUI._getRegion(region, timeout)
Query a region.
- Arguments:
region (region) -- Region.
timeout (number) -- Query time out delay, in seconds. Defaults to no time out.
- static RegionUI._initDialog()
Initialize the region overlay dialog.
- static RegionUI._loadRegion(region, templayer, self, httpRequest)
Load region data and display the overlay layer.
- Arguments:
region (region) -- Region.
templayer (leaflet.Layer) -- "Dummy" layer to activate a spinner sign.
self (object) -- Calling control object (
).httpRequest (object) -- HTTP request.
- static RegionUI._resetDialog()
Reset the region query dialog (do nothing actually).
- RegionUI.drawCallback(feature, latlng)
Callback for custom drawing of a GeoJSON point feature.
- Arguments:
feature (object) -- GeoJSON feature.
latlng (LatLng) -- World coordinates of the point.
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
- regionUI(regions, options)
Instantiate a VisiOmatic dialog for region overlays.
- Arguments:
regions (Array.<region>) -- Regions to overlay.
options (object) -- Options.
- Returns:
RegionUI -- Instance of a VisiOmatic region interface.
Snapshot UI
- class SnapshotUI(options)
- Create a VisiOmatic dialog for taking snapshots of the current
- Arguments:
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the dialog window or panel.
- Returns:
SnapshotUI -- Instance of a VisiOmatic snapshot interface.
- static SnapshotUI._initDialog()
Initialize the snapshot dialog.
See also
{@link UI} for additional control options.
- class Coords(options)
Create a new coordinate display/control interface.
- Arguments:
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the control.
options.position ('bottomleft'|'bottomright'|'topleft'|'topright') -- Position of the coordinate display.
options.coordinates (Array.<coordinate>) -- Coordinate settings for every instance of coordinates.
options.centerQueryKey (string) -- Web query key for map centering.
options.fovQueryKey (string) -- Web query key for setting the Field of View.
options.sesameURL (string) -- URL for Sesame queries.
- Returns:
Coords -- Instance of a coordinate display/control interface.
- static Coords._checkVisiomatic(e)
Check that the layer being loaded is a VisiOmatic layer.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.LayerEvent) -- Leaflet layer event object.
- static Coords._getCoordinates(self, httpRequest)
Move map to the sky coordinates resolved by Sesame service.
- Arguments:
self (object) -- Calling control object (
).httpRequest (object) -- HTTP request.
- static Coords._initDialog()
Initialize the coordinate display/control dialog.
- static Coords._onDrag(e)
Update coordinates when the map is being dragged.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.LayerEvent) -- Leaflet layer event object.
- static Coords.onRemove(map)
Remove map dragging event when the coordinate display/control is removed.
- Arguments:
map ( -- The parent map.
- static Coords.panTo(str)
Move map to a given source or coordinate position.
- Arguments:
str (string) -- Source name or coordinates.
- class ExtraMap(layer, options)
Create an extra map display/control interface.
- Arguments:
layer (leaflet.Layer) -- Layer displayed in the extra map.
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the map.
options.position ('bottomleft'|'bottomright'|'topleft'|'topright') -- Position of the map.
options.width (number) -- Map width in screen pixels.
options.height (number) -- Map height in screen pixels.
options.width -- Map width in collapsed state, in screen pixels.
options.height -- Map height in collapsed state, in screen pixels.
options.toggleDisplay (boolean) -- Add a map toggle display button?
options.autoToggleDisplay (boolean) -- Automatically toggle the map display when hovering the map icon?
options.zoomLevelFixed (number|false) -- Fixed extra map zoom level. Defaults to dynamic zooming.
options.zoomLevelOffset (number) -- Zoom level offset with respect to that of the main map.
options.zoomAnimation (boolean) -- Animate when zooming in/out (warning: adds some lag)?
options.aimingRectOptions (rectangleOptions) -- Display options for the aiming rectangle.
options.shadowRectOptions (rectangleOptions) -- Display options for the shadow rectangle.
- Returns:
ExtraMap -- Instance of an extra map display/control interface.
- static ExtraMap._addButton()
Add a button to the extra map window/icon.
- Returns:
object -- Button element.
- static ExtraMap._addToggleButton()
Add a display toggle button to the extra map window/icon.
- static ExtraMap._decideMinimized()
Decide if the extra map must be minimized.
- static ExtraMap._decideZoom(fromMaintoExtra)
Decide the extra map zoom level depending on current conditions.
- Arguments:
fromMaintoExtra (boolean) -- Is zooming triggered from the main map?
- static ExtraMap._isDefined(value)
Testing for
type.- Arguments:
value (number) -- Input.
- Returns:
boolean -- True if the input value is strictly
- static ExtraMap._isInteger(value)
Testing for
type.- Arguments:
value (number) -- Input.
- Returns:
boolean -- True if the input value is a number.
- static ExtraMap._isZoomLevelFixed(e)
Update the main map as the extra map has stopped moving.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.Event) -- Extra map
- static ExtraMap._minimize()
Minimize the extra map window.
- static ExtraMap._onExtraMapMoveStarted(e)
Set up the aiming polygon footprint as the extra map starts moving.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.Event) -- Extra map
- static ExtraMap._onExtraMapMoved(e)
Update the main map as the extra map has stopped moving.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.Event) -- Extra map
- static ExtraMap._onExtraMapMoving(e)
Update the shadow polygon footprint as the extra map is moving.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.Event) -- Extra map
- static ExtraMap._onMainMapMoved(e)
Follow the main map after it has moved.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.Event) -- Main map
- static ExtraMap._onMainMapMoving(e)
Replicate the main map moves using the aiming polygon footprint.
- Arguments:
e (leaflet.Event) -- Main map
- static ExtraMap._restore()
Restore the extra map window.
- static ExtraMap._setDisplay(minimize)
Toggle display of the extra map window.
- Arguments:
minimize (boolean) -- Minimize the map?
- static ExtraMap._toggleDisplayButtonClicked()
Actions performed when the display toggle button is clicked.
- static ExtraMap.changeLayer(layer)
Update content when the layer is changed.
- Arguments:
layer (leaflet.Layer) -- The new layer.
- static ExtraMap.onAdd(map)
- Add the extra map display/control directly to the map and wait for
the layer to be ready.
- Arguments:
map (object) -- Leaflet map the control has been added to.
- Returns:
object -- The newly created container of the control.
- static ExtraMap.onRemove(map)
Remove map move event when the extra map display/control is removed.
- Arguments:
map ( -- The parent map.
- class FullScreen(options)
Create a new full-screen toggle button.
- Arguments:
options (object) -- Options.
options.title (string) -- Title of the panel.
options.position ('bottomleft'|'bottomright'|'topleft'|'topright') -- Position of the full-screen button.
options.forceSeparateButton (boolean) -- Sidebar button separate from zoom control?
- Returns:
FullScreen -- Full screen toggle control.
- static FullScreen._addButton(title, className, container, fn, context)
Add a button
- Arguments:
title (string) -- Title of the button.
className (string) -- Class name of the button.
container (object) -- Element containing the button.
fn (function) -- Callback function to call when the button is pressed.
context (object) -- Context (this) for the callback function.
- Returns:
object -- New link (button) element.
- static FullScreen._handleEscKey()
Exit full-screen mode when ESC key is pressed.
- static FullScreen.onAdd(map)
Add this full screen toggle to the specified map.
- Arguments:
map (L.Map)
- Returns:
object -- Element containing the full screen toggle button.
- static FullScreen.toogleFullScreen()
Toggle full-screen mode.
- class Reticle()
Create a new reticle.
- Returns:
Reticle -- Instance of a reticle.
- static Reticle.onRemove(map)
Remove the reticle.
- Arguments:
map ( -- The parent map.
- reticle()
Instantiate a reticle.
- Returns:
Reticle -- Instance of a reticle.
const ret = reticle().addTo(map);
- control.widget.FlipSwitch.flipSwitch(parent, options)
Instantiate a flip switch widget.
- Arguments:
parent (object) -- Parent element.
options (object) -- Options: see {@link FlipSwitch}
- Returns:
FlipSwitch -- Flip switch widget element.
... const elem = DomUtil.create('div', 'myelement', divParent); const flipElem = flipSwitch(elem, {checked: true});
- control.widget.Spinbox.spinbox(parent, options)
Instantiate a spinbox widget.
- Arguments:
parent (object) -- Parent element.
options (object) -- Options: see {@link Spinbox}
- Returns:
Spinbox -- Spinbox widget element.
... const elem = DomUtil.create('div', 'myelement', divParent); const spinElem = Spinbox(elem, {initValue: 42.0, step: 2.0});