World Coordinate System
- class WCS(header, images, options)
Create a new coordinate reference system that emulates the WCS (World Coordinate System) used in astronomy.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the merged image header.
images (Array.<image>) -- Array of image extension metadata.
options (object) -- Options.
options.nzoom (number) -- Number of zoom levels.
- Returns:
WCS -- Instance of a World Coordinate System.
- WCS.code
Codename of the WCS coordinate reference system.
- static WCS._deltaLng(latLng, latLng0)
Compute the longitude of a point with respect to a reference point.
- Arguments:
latLng (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates of the point.
latLng0 (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates of the reference point.
- Returns:
number -- Difference in longitude (in degrees) in the interval -180 to 180 deg.
- static WCS.distance(latlng1, latlng2)
Compute the distance between two points on the sphere.
- Arguments:
latlng1 (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates of the first point.
latlng2 (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates of the second point.
- Returns:
number -- Spherical distance between the two points in degrees.
- static WCS.fovToZoom(map, fov, latlng)
- Compute the zoom level that corresponds to a given FoV at the provided
- Arguments:
map (leaflet.Map) -- Leaflet map.
fov (number) -- Field of View in degrees.
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates.
- Returns:
number -- Zoom level.
- static WCS.getProjection(header, options)
Extract the WCS projection code from a JSON-encoded image header.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (object) -- Projection options.
- Returns:
string -- WCS projection code.
- static WCS.hmsDMSToLatLng(Coordinate)
Convert an HMSDMS string to world coordinates.
- Arguments:
Coordinate (string) -- string in HMSDMS.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng|undefined -- World coordinates, or undefined if the input string could not be translated.
- static WCS.latLngToHMSDMS(latlng)
- Convert world coordinates to an HMSDMS string
(DMS code from the Leaflet-Coordinates plug-in).
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- Input world coordinates.
- Returns:
string -- Coordinate string in HMSDMS.
- static WCS.multiLatLngToIndex(latlng)
- Return index of chip closest to the given world coordinates in a
multi-WCS setting.
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- Input world coordinates.
- Returns:
number -- Index of the closest chip (extension).
- static WCS.multiLatLngToPoint(latlng, zoom)
Multi-WCS version of the projection to layer coordinates.
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- Input world coordinates.
zoom (number) -- Zoom level.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Layer coordinates at the given zoom level.
- static WCS.multiPntToIndex(pnt)
- Return index of chip closest to the given pixel coordinates in a
multi-WCS setting.
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Input (merged) pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
number -- Index of the closest chip (extension).
- static WCS.multiPointToLatLng(pnt, zoom)
Multi-WCS version of the de-projection from layer coordinates.
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Input layer coordinates at the given zoom level.
zoom (number) -- Zoom level.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- De-projected world coordinates.
- static WCS.multiProject(latlng)
Multi-WCS astrometric projection.
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- Input world coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Projected (merged) pixel coordinates.
- static WCS.multiUnproject(pnt)
Multi-WCS version of the astrometric de-projection.
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Input (merged) pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- De-projected world coordinates.
- static WCS.parseCoords(str)
Parse a string of world coordinates.
- Arguments:
str (string) -- Input string.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng|undefined -- World coordinates, or undefined if conversion failed.
- static WCS.pixelScale(zoom, latlng)
Compute the layer pixel scale at the given world coordinates.
- Arguments:
zoom (number) -- Zoom level.
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates.
- Returns:
number -- Layer pixel scale (in degrees per pixel).
- static WCS.rawPixelScale(latlng)
Compute the image pixel scale at the given world coordinates.
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates.
- Returns:
number -- Pixel scale (in degrees per pixel).
- static WCS.scale(zoom)
Convert zoom level to relative scale.
- Arguments:
zoom (number) -- Zoom level.
- Returns:
number -- Relative scale.
- static WCS.transform(pnt, zoom)
Convert pixel (image) coordinates to layer coordinates.
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Pixel coordinates.
zoom (number) -- Zoom level.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Layer coordinates at the given zoom level.
- static WCS.untransform(layerpnt, zoom)
Convert layer coordinates to pixel (image) coordinates.
- Arguments:
layerpnt (leaflet.Point) -- Layer coordinates.
zoom (number) -- Zoom level.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Pixel (image) coordinates
- static WCS.zoom(scale)
Convert relative scale to zoom level.
- Arguments:
scale (number) -- Relative scale.
- Returns:
number -- Zoom level.
- static WCS.zoomToFov(map, zoom, latlng)
Compute the FoV that corresponds to a given zoom level at the provided coordinates.
- Arguments:
map (leaflet.Map) -- Leaflet map.
zoom (number) -- Zoom level.
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates.
- Returns:
number -- Field of View in degrees.
- class Projection(header, options)
- Base class for the WCS (World Coordinate System) projections used in
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options.
- Returns:
Projection -- Instance of a projection.
- Projection.defaultProjParam
type: projParam
Default WCS projection parameters.
- static Projection._cpole()
- Set up the celestial pole coordinates of the projection
(delta_p, alpha_p). projection._natpole() should be called first.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- Celestial coordinates of the pole.
- static Projection._getCenter(proj)
Compute the pixel coordinates of the geometric image center.
- Arguments:
proj (Projection) -- Projection for pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Pixel coordinates of the image center.
- static Projection._invertCD(cd)
Invert the CD Jacobian matrix of the linear part of the de-projection.
- Arguments:
cd (Array.<Array.<number>>) -- CD Jacobian matrix.
- Returns:
Array.<Array.<number>> -- Matrix inverse.
- static Projection._multiToPix(pnt)
Convert sliced (merged) coordinates to pixel coordinates.
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Sliced (merged) coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Pixel coordinates.
- static Projection._natpole()
Set up the native pole coordinates of the projection (theta_p, phi_p).
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- Latitude and longitude of the pole.
- static Projection._paramUpdate(paramSrc)
Update internal projection parameters from external properties. The internal projection parameter object is initialized if it does not exist.
- Arguments:
paramSrc (projParam) -- Input projection parameters.
- static Projection._phiThetaToRADec(latlng)
Convert native coordinates to celestial coordinates.
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LagLng) -- Native coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- Celestial coordinates.
- static Projection._pixToMulti(pnt)
Convert pixel coordinates to sliced (merged) coordinates.
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Sliced (merged) coordinates.
- static Projection._pixToRed(pix)
Convert pixel coordinates to reduced coordinates.
- Arguments:
pix (leaflet.Point) -- Pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Reduced coordinates.
- static Projection._raDecToPhiTheta(latlng)
Convert celestial coordinates to native coordinates.
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LagLng) -- Celestial coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- Native coordinates.
- static Projection._readWCS(header)
Update internal projection parameters from an image header.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
- static Projection._redToPix(red)
Convert reduced coordinates to pixel coordinates.
- Arguments:
red (leaflet.Point) -- Reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Pixel coordinates.
- static Projection._shiftWCS(projparam)
Correct projection parameters for data slicing.
- Arguments:
projparam (projParam) -- Projection parameters.
- static Projection.project(latlng)
Project world coordinates to pixel (image) coordinates.
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- World coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Pixel (image) coordinates.
- static Projection.unproject(pnt)
De-project pixel (image) coordinates to world coordinates.
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- World coordinates.
- class Conical(header, options)
Base class for conic WCS (World Coordinate System) projections.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Projection}.
- Returns:
Conical -- Instance of a conic projection.
- static Conical._phiRToRed(phiR)
Convert conic (phi,R) coordinates to reduced coordinates.
- Arguments:
phiR (leaflet.LatLng) -- (phi,R) conic coordinates in degrees.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Reduced coordinates.
- static Conical._redToPhiR(red)
Convert reduced coordinates to conic (phi,R) coordinates.
- Arguments:
red (leaflet.Point) -- Reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- (phi,R) conic coordinates in degrees.
See also
- class Cylindrical(header, options)
Base class for cylindrical WCS (World Coordinate System) projections.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Projection}.
- Returns:
Cylindrical -- Instance of a cylindrical projection.
- static Cylindrical._projInit()
Initialize a cylindrical projection.
- static Cylindrical._rToTheta(r)
Convert cylindrical R coordinate to native theta angle.
- Arguments:
r (number) -- R cylindrical coordinate in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- static Cylindrical._thetaToR(theta)
Convert native theta angle to cylindrical R.
- Arguments:
theta (number) -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- R cylindrical coordinate in degrees.
See also
- class Zenithal(header, options)
Base class for zenithal WCS (World Coordinate System) projections.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Projection}.
- Returns:
Zenithal -- Instance of a zenithal projection.
- static Zenithal._phiRToRed(phiR)
Convert zenithal (phi,R) coordinates to reduced coordinates.
- Arguments:
phiR (leaflet.LatLng) -- (phi,R) zenithal coordinates in degrees.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Reduced coordinates.
- static Zenithal._projInit()
Initialize a Zenithal projection.
- static Zenithal._redToPhiR(red)
Convert reduced coordinates to zenithal (phi,R) coordinates.
- Arguments:
red (leaflet.Point) -- Reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- (phi,R) zenithal coordinates in degrees.
See also
- class PIX(header, options)
Pixel (identity) projection.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Projection}.
- Returns:
PIX -- Instance of a PIX projection.
- static PIX._projInit()
Initialize a pixel (identity) projection.
- static PIX.project(latlng)
- Project "world" pixel coordinates to (image) pixel coordinates
- Arguments:
latlng (leaflet.LatLng) -- "World" pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Pixel (image) coordinates.
- static PIX.unproject(pnt)
- De-project (image) pixel coordinates to "world" pixel coordinates
- Arguments:
pnt (leaflet.Point) -- Pixel (image) coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- "World" pixel coordinates.
- class CAR(header, options)
Cylindrical Plate carrée projection.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Cylindrical}.
- Returns:
CAR -- Instance of a CAR projection.
- static CAR._phiRToRed(phiR)
Convert CAR (phi,R) coordinates to reduced coordinates.
- Arguments:
phiR (leaflet.LatLng) -- (phi,R) CAR coordinates in degrees.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Reduced coordinates.
- static CAR._redToPhiR(red)
Convert reduced coordinates to CAR (phi,R) coordinates.
- Arguments:
red (leaflet.Point) -- Reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- (phi,R) CAR coordinates in degrees.
See also
- class CEA(header, options)
Cylindrical Equal-Area projection.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Cylindrical}.
- Returns:
CEA -- Instance of a CEA projection.
- static CEA._phiRToRed(phiR)
Convert CEA (phi,R) coordinates to reduced coordinates.
- Arguments:
phiR (leaflet.LatLng) -- (phi,R) CEA coordinates in degrees.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Reduced coordinates.
- static CEA._redToPhiR(red)
Convert reduced coordinates to CEA (phi,R) coordinates.
- Arguments:
red (leaflet.Point) -- Reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.LatLng -- (phi,R) CEA coordinates in degrees.
See also
- class COE(header, options)
Conic Equal-Area projection.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Conical}.
- Returns:
COE -- Instance of a COE projection.
- static COE._projInit()
Initialize a COE projection.
- static COE._rToTheta(r)
Convert conic equal-area R coordinate to native theta angle.
- Arguments:
r (number) -- R conic equal-area coordinate in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- static COE._thetaToR(theta)
Convert native theta angle to conic equal-area R.
- Arguments:
theta (number) -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- R conic equal-area coordinate in degrees.
See also
- class TAN(header, options)
Gnomonic (tangential) projection.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Zenithal}.
- Returns:
TAN -- Instance of a TAN projection.
- static TAN._rToTheta(r)
Convert tangential R coordinate to native theta angle.
- Arguments:
r (number) -- R tangential coordinate in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- static TAN._thetaToR(theta)
Convert native theta angle to tangential R.
- Arguments:
theta (number) -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- R tangential coordinate in degrees.
See also
- class TPV(header, options)
Distorted gnomonic (tangential) projection.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Zenithal}.
- Returns:
TPV -- Instance of a TPV projection.
- static TPV._dRedToRed(dred)
Convert distorted reduced coordinates to reduced coordinates using a TPV polynomial.
- Arguments:
dred (leaflet.Point) -- Distorted reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Reduced coordinates.
- static TPV._pixToRed(pix)
Convert pixel coordinates to reduced coordinates, taking into account distortions.
- Arguments:
pix (leaflet.Point) -- Pixel coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Reduced coordinates.
- static TPV._redToDRed(red)
Convert reduced coordinates to distorted reduced coordinates using second order approximation to the inverted TPV polynomial.
- Arguments:
red (leaflet.Point) -- Reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Distorted reduced coordinates.
- static TPV._redToPix(red)
Convert reduced coordinates to pixel coordinates, taking into account geometric distortions.
- Arguments:
red (leaflet.Point) -- Reduced coordinates.
- Returns:
leaflet.Point -- Pixel coordinates.
See also
- class ZEA(header, options)
Zenithal Equal-Area projection.
- Arguments:
header (object) -- JSON representation of the image header.
options (projParam) -- Projection options: see {@link Zenithal}.
- Returns:
ZEA -- Instance of a ZEA projection.
- static ZEA._rToTheta(r)
Convert zenithal equal-area R coordinate to native theta angle.
- Arguments:
r (number) -- R zenithal equal-area coordinate in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- static ZEA._thetaToR(theta)
Convert native theta angle to zenithal equal-area R.
- Arguments:
theta (number) -- Native theta angle in degrees.
- Returns:
number -- R zenithal equal-area coordinate in degrees.
See also