- class RGB(r, g, b)
Return an RGB triplet.
- Arguments:
r (number) -- Red value.
g (number) -- Green value.
b (number) -- Blue value.
- Returns:
RGB -- Instance of an RGB triplet.
- static RGB.clone()
Clone the RGB triplet.
- Returns:
RGB -- Copy of the RGB triplet.
- static RGB.isOn()
Detect non-zero RGB color.
- Returns:
boolean -- True if the color is not a perfect black.
- static RGB.toStr()
Convert to a string representation.
- Returns:
string -- String (hexadecimal) representation of the RGB triplet.
- rgb(r, g, b)
Instantiate an RGB triplet.
- Arguments:
r (number|Array.<number>|string|RGB) -- Red value, rgb array, hexadecimalstring representation, or RGB triplet.
g (number) -- Green value.
b (number) -- Blue value.
- Returns:
RGB -- Instance of an RGB triplet.
const color = rgb('#A0B8C4');
Misc utils
- VUtil.checkDomain
Return the domain of a given URL.
See also
{@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/28054735}
- VUtil.copyToClipboard
Copy the input string to the clipboard.
See also
{@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/33928558}
- VUtil.flashElement
Add a short (<400ms) "flash" animation to an element.
- VUtil.getCookie
Return the value of the cookie with the given name.
See also
{@link https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp}
- VUtil.isExternal
Check if a given URL is external.
See also
{@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/28054735}
- VUtil.parseURL
Return a dictionary of keyword/value pairs from a URL string.
See also
{@link https://stevenbenner.com/2010/03/javascript-regex-trick-parse-a-query-string-into-an-object}
- VUtil.requestURL
Do an AJAX query to a server.
- VUtil.updateURL
Return a URL with a new or updated keyword/value query string.
See also
{@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/5999118}
- VUtil.readFITSKey
Read the value of a FITS header keyword.